Originally developed by a German scientist, Hubertus Trouillé in the 1980s, Trouillé dedicated his life’s work to creating a dietary formula that would enhance his patients’ failing metabolism and improve their overall health and quality of life.
After spending much time on research and development, Trouillé perfected his metabolic-boosting and nutrition-packed formulation that soon became known as Almased. Since then, Almased has been scientifically-studied to prove its positive health effects for the last 30 years, so that people worldwide can benefit.
What is Almased?
Almased is a dietary supplement for weight management. Composed of high-quality ingredients, non-GMO soy, fat-free premium yogurt, and enzyme-rich raw honey, Almased nourishes the body with balanced nutrition —complete with metabolic-enhancing amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
Each serving (50 g) of Almased contains an ideal 2:1 protein and steady carb ratio. There are no artificial fillers, flavors, added sugars, preservatives, or stimulants.
Who can use Almased?
Almased is an ideal choice for adults looking to not only manage blood sugar levels better, but also lose weight and improve wellness. In fact, Almased, as mentioned, is diabetic-friendly with a very low glycemic index of 27 and glycemic load of 7. Plus, it’s gluten-free and heart-healthy (containing zero cholesterol) and is suitable for vegetarians.