John H.
Almased has helped me dramatically.
There are experiences in life that you can either ignore or take to heart. After having a stroke six years ago and a heart attack more recently, I knew I had to lose some weight and be healthier. I couldn’t find any kind of program that fit my lifestyle until one day, I was watching the Ray’s baseball game on TV – my wife and I are big Rays fans by the way and even got married at Tropicana Field, where the Rays play. Anyway, I was watching the game and Almased’s sign popped up behind the home plate.
After seeing it, I did some research and I thought, you know, this might look like something that could work because it’s easy. I then did some further research on the product and it all made sense. I can lose the weight and not muscle mass. Also, I kind of figured if it’s the biggest selling weight loss product from Germany, they probably know what they’re doing.
So...I bought some and I started on it, went in hard and just stayed at it for four months. It has been amazing, absolutely remarkable how the weight came off. As of today, I am 29 pounds lighter and I feel great.* Almased has helped me dramatically. I am maintaining my blood sugar levels and am staying heart-healthy. Lots of good things have happened because of Almased.